

BSC Vaults

  • Vault Performance Fees: 15%

  • Withdrawal Fees From Vault: 0.2%


Withdrawal Fee From Vault The most important role of our fees is to prevent the outflow of funds that have entered the NewB Vaults. When the user needs funds, they don't need to withdraw their principal from the Vault (currently a 0.2% withdrawal fee is applied). The more funds in the vault, the more diluted APY there will be. The 0.2% withdrawal fee is designed to prevent the whale(s) from diluting the APY on the one hand, and the other function is to lock in more AUM (Assets Under Management).

Vault Performance Fee The NewB Vault is characterized by recursive yield farming (with compound interests). 15% of the profit generated by all Vault managed funds will be used to repurchase NewB and sent to development funds, insurance funds, etc.

The former strategy of the Vault was using 100% of revenue to repurchase NewB, which is only effective when the AUM is small; the new strategy of NewB Vault increases the value of NewB by bringing up the total AUM, so even 15% for repurchase of NewB is a very large sum of money.

Last updated